Request for Religious Accommodation
Associate Information
CarMax is committed to providing all associates with equal opportunities to the benefits and privileges of employment. To meet this commitment and requirement, CarMax provides reasonable accommodations to individuals who have a sincerely held religious belief, practice or observance that conflicts with a work requirement. The process of identifying whether, and to what extent, a reasonable accommodation is required involves an interactive process among the individual requesting an accommodation, management, and human resources. No specific form of accommodation is guaranteed. Rather, an accommodation should be tailored to meet the needs of the particular individual, without causing undue hardship to the business, and thus, requires a cooperative and flexible approach that promotes a prompt and equitable resolution of requests for accommodation.
To request an accommodation, associates or applicants should complete this form. Please see the CarMax Religious Accommodation policy on the CarMax World for additional details.
1. Identify Accommodation
Please identify the CarMax requirement, policy, or practice that conflicts with your sincerely held religious observance, practice, or belief (hereinafter “religious beliefs”). For example, the Standards of Appearance policy states “only hats approved in CarMax World or provided by CarMax may be worn”. An Associate whose religious belief requires the wearing of a head covering, would convey the Standards of Appearance policy conflicts with their religious beliefs.
2. Describe Nature
Please describe the nature of your sincerely held religious beliefs or religious practice or observance that conflict with the CarMax requirement, policy, or practice identified above.
3. Request Description
What is the accommodation or modification that you are requesting?
4. Alternative Accommodations
List any alternative accommodations that also would eliminate the conflict between CarMax’s requirement, policy, or practice and your sincerely held religious beliefs.
I understand that there is no guarantee that the accommodation requested above will be granted; however, CarMax, through an interactive process, will attempt to provide me a reasonable religious accommodation that both meets my needs and does not create an undue hardship on the company.
Do you authorize as described above?